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Train your own unet model


My datasets(a little small, so the accuracy is not great):

  1. Find the “” in the U-Net/data/train
  2. Extract “” in U-Net/data/train. You can see that the folder structure is like “U-Net/data/train/000.jpg”.
  3. Then delete the “” and “”
  4. Process the followings:
cd U-Net
python --train 1

Train your own datasets

Just keep the datasets structure as following like:

Original images: U-Net/data/train/000.jpg
Mask images: U-Net/data/train/000_mask.jpg

For example:

If you have 101 images to train, the trainning images need to sort in order from “000” to “100”.

Process the followings:

cd U-Net
python --train 1